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Become a Tutor Today

Join our team of amazing tutors who aim to inspire and motivate students academically and beyond. Despite our emphasis on helping students, tutors will also learn valuable lessons throughout the sessions.

Improve your skills

Tutors will be able to practice skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adapting to different situations. These qualities are all relevant in post-secondary, any kind of further education, and the workforce. We hope to provide experience for tutors who want to expand their own learning by supporting them with resources that will guide their teaching. 

Teenager on Laptop
Woman with Laptop

Get Volunteer Hours

We respect and value the time of all of our tutors for volunteering. Hours for every session are recorded and can be used for community hours and for CAS. We can also provide documentation of successful completion upon request.


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Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to comment them below.
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